Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Of hats and Etsy

So as the month is coming to a close, we're about to begin decorating for Christmas and start up our winter crafts. We've already started a few, and pictures will probably be up in a few days :)

But, in the meantime, I have to share my excitement at finally starting an Etsy shop! People have told me for years to start one, so we'll see how it goes :)

The starting batch included a new style that I really loved doing, became a bit addicted to, and made three of LOL. My goal is to list 2-4 hats each week and fine tune it as I figure out what people are interested in buying. I need to set up a parallel Facebook shop to keep up the social side, so stay tuned for that. Hopefully I can do that in the next few days, but some IRB stuff on the research side has me a busy bee this week.

The first batch of hats!

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